Monday, September 19, 2011

Book Review: Deathlands 65: Hellbenders

Deathlands 65: Hellbenders by Andy Boot
Release Date: March 2004
Publisher: Worldwide Library / Gold Eagle
Audience: Mature
Pages: 352  [<- the redoubt code, coincidence?]
Buy the Book: Amazon
Book Rating: 2/5
Buy the Audiobook: Graphic Audio
Audiobook Rating: 3/5

Deathlands Hellbenders is the next in the ongoing series following Ryan Cawdor and his travelling companions as they venture across the nuke blasted landscape of 22nd century America. In this book Ryan and his group jump into a redoubt that is occupied by a group of vengeful survivors known as the Hellbenders. With each and every member of the Hellbenders physically or mentally tortued by the barons from two villes, yet still alive, they are hell-bent (hence their name) on destroying the towns. When a trade is planned between the two, it is the perfect time for revenge. Ryan and his friends, stuck in bed with the Hellbenders, must wage a war that is not their own.

If you want the short review, this book is boring, sloppy at times, and unimaginative. I would recommend skipping it as nothing of note happens in this book. The only interesting thing mentioned is that the CD they got from Silas back in TN they are still trying to access. This book glosses over logistical problems. For example, somehow the Hellbenders got into the redoubt but its not explained. If they guessed the code really quick, howcome all the redoubts are not run over by people? The book is very muddled; we see bits and pieces of Charity (one of the villes) but the barons aren't introduced until the final pages and are shortly killed off.

Honestly, this book was pretty bland and even the main story arc is not all that interesting. The shootout with 3 convoys of people along with military wags is somehow made boring. There is this whole subplot about Dean and old technology that really doesn't pan out also. I could go on, but I would be citing other reasons why this book is boring. Even the audiobook, though well done as usual, seems to be a lazy effort by the voice actors, changing their voices slightly to be different characters.

All in all, I recommend skipping this novel in the series unless you're a completionist. You aren't missing anything.

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